Noack Maintenance & Landscaping
Company has been named Master Dealer of
Skeet-R-Gone, the best mosquito control system available to homeowners and
businesses in the Houston area.
This revolutionary system
delivers a biologically and environmentally safe concentrate to your entire yard through
your irrigation system. Invented and developed in West Fargo, North Dakota,
Skeet-R-Gone is the most thorough and effective means for mosquito control. It can
be used to eliminate both mature and larvae mosquitoes at their source. You can also
treat your lawn for gnats, grubs, no see-ums, ants (including fire ants), and
other bugs that everyone in Houston
Other concentrates are available and can be used in the Skeet-R-Gone system
to repel undesirable animals such as snakes, deer, rabbits and others. Skeet-R-Gone can
be installed into any new or existing sprinkler system. Once installed, it is very
simple to operate, and depending on number of zones, an entire lawn can be sprayed in
as few as 5 minutes.
We are convinced this is the most effective
and easy to use pest control/elimination
system available anywhere…even if you pay
three times what a Skeet-R-Gone System will
cost you. Imagine in 5 to 10 minutes, you
can "Sprinkle 'em to Death."
this is exciting! We do not come up with ideas to grow our business, you do. For
the past year, we have been researching mosquito repellent systems because you
told us that you could not enjoy your outdoor space during many times of year
because of mosquitoes and other pests.
Mosquito Misters were the rage when we started evaluating the effectiveness of
misters and sprayers. What we found is Skeet-R-Gone and we are extremely
excited and pleased to become a Master Dealer and Certified Installer of the
most effective mosquito control system
available. If you already have an irrigation system installed for your
lawn and landscape, the Skeet-R-Gone system can usually be installed for
$899. Mosquito misters start at about
$2,000 and they usually provide only 1/5 the coverage of the Skeet-R-Gone system.
Imagine treating your yard for pests in 5 to 10 minutes. That is truly what you
can do with the Skeet-R-Gone system. Skeet-R-Gone uses technology to
accurately inject a completely safe concentrate into your existing or new
irrigation system so you can easily treat your entire yard for pests by
running each of your sprinkler zones for about a minute.
The proprietary mixture
used by Noack Maintenance and Landscaping in the Skeet-R-Gone system
is completely safe and will not harm children, pets, or your landscape. If
you want to spray your azaleas or roses for aphids, just turn that zone or zones
on to direct a treatment specifically to the areas needing it. Pet lovers will
certainly enjoy the fact that they can treat their entire yard for fleas in
just a few minutes.
If you get beyond the pure nuisance mosquitoes cause in our area, it is
truly unsafe to be outdoors when they are active and even your pets are in
danger around these carriers of disease. We have always loved making lawns and
landscaping beautiful…now, we are prepared to help you enjoy your
beautiful outdoors more. I know you are going to be happy with this system. I
installed the first system at my house and I have not had a problem with
mosquitoes or other pests since. It gives me peace of mind when my children
want to be outdoors and I know you will enjoy your yard more with the
Skeet-R-Gone System.
After a whole lot of research, we opted to partner with Skeet-R-Gone primarily
for two reasons; 1) The spray injects into your irrigation system and is
completely safe yet deadly to mosquitoes and even kills the larvae and, 2) since
Skeet-R-Gone uses your irrigation for delivery, no misting system can compete
with the Skeet-R-Gone in coverage area.
Watch the Skeet-R-Gone Video!
If you are interested in the Skeet-R-Gone
complete the form below
and we will contact you as soon as possible...